Time Chronicles

Time’s existence always is and always will be. There is nothing that is not affected by time. Things grow as well as die throughout the whole plethora of time.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Moment

The moment you are in TENSION.

You will lose your ATTENTION.

Then you are in total CONFUSION.

And you'll feel IRRITATION.

This may spoil our personal RELATIONS.

Ultimately, you won't get COOPERATION.

And get things into COMPLICATION.

Then you may raise CAUTION.

And you have to take MEDICATION.

Why not try understanding the SITUATION.

And try to think about the SOLUTION.

Many problems will be solved by DISCUSSION.

Which will work out better in our PROFESSION.

Don't think this is a free SUGGESTION.

It is only for our PREVENTION.

If you understand my INTENTION.
You'll never get into TENSION !!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Days Out of Time and Reality Shifts

Sometimes there are days when it is easy to step outside time and enter realities you’re creating in consciousness. To the outer appearance, you are still going about your day but internally you have stepped outside your usual flow of consciousness and are experiencing realities that have not yet manifest in the physical. As we try on these realities, we learn to walk around inside them. This helps us find new ways to anchor them into our daily life. At times we may look at the world through the lens of a new and not yet manifest reality.
This allows the feeling states of this new reality to inform our

Moment-by-moment choices. As we experience and perceive our new interior realities, we hasten their existence in our daily life. This is how we shift to new timelines and new identities. For more information about timeline and identity shifts, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time: Does It really Exist?

How relative is time? Is the structure and rules just man made or is the space-time continuum as restrictive?
It cannot be as restrictive as people make it out to be. The mathematics we study in school are present in nature. However, they are beautiful in nature as oppose to being strenuous in school.
Why is this? Why is the study of practice more beautiful, then the study of that same observation? A possibility may be that it is so concentrated when studying as oppose to the actuality of it, which is gorgeous. When seeing beauty you do not feel as stressed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Ripple Through Time

Time is like throwing a stone in a lake. It causes ripples which in turn cause more and more opportunities. These may lead to both good and bad situations.
Time cannot heal by itself. It requires help from the attribute of forgiveness. Forgiveness and time can heal all that is set before it. .
Times ripple is so magnificent, it affects all that it touches. Its touches are so powerfully enchanting that all it touches. Throughout all time, truth remains constant.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ripples in Time

This is very fluid. This is like a river. This river has rocks which are resistance in the course of time. Currents in that river make different dimensions and historical differences which have the utmost effect on us all.

The future is changed all the time. By every choice we do or do not make. This changes every second of every day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


You should live in the moment and for the moment. Don’t let anything ruin it for you. Never hold regret. Society forbids certain actions to take place for the few to cause them guilt. Guilt will inevitably lead to regret. Interesting, as when the action is more common, there is no remorse and society has no problem allowing a whole lot more to take place that is actually truly regretful. You lead the way, by living in the moment.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Traveling Time to Visit Your Last Day on Earth

By DL Zeta

An important step to becoming an architect rather than a slave of physical reality is to undertake a journey to find where your present moment is leading you. An excellent way to gain clarity of your current path is to travel time to visit your last day on earth.

One of the most profound moments of your life takes place in future time, as a future “you” goes about the business of "closing up shop" at the end of your earthly life. It is a misunderstanding to view such journeys to the future as distractions, for the journey toward oneness is not a linear affair. Rather, it takes place inside many timeframes at once – past, present and future. Moments are never compartmentalized and separate; they exist as one continuous flow.

Your Mastery Self and the Journey toward Ascension

In this way, the version of you who exists on your last day on earth is directly related to your present moment. You might say this future you is your creation; it is the seed you are planting now. It is just as accurate to say you are the creation of this future self. The vibration and essence of your mastery self for this lifetime determines the landscape for your field of possibilities throughout your life. As you awaken and begin to travel time to visit your future self, you gain greater access to its wisdom and knowing. The “you” that exists on your last day on earth is your mastery self for this lifetime. It is the culmination of all your earthly experiences this time around. Ascension occurs when your mastery selves from all your lifetimes unite as one.
The feedback your last day on earth can provide is invaluable in that it offers a unique window into how your present choices and creations will unfold over time. If there is something you would like to change or expand, you can choose to alter the course of your present moment.

Your Last Day on Earth is Accessible Now

You have likely at some point visited your last day on earth in your thoughts and feelings. When your thoughts turned to this day, it may have seemed the inevitable province of a distant and inaccessible time. Yet this future version of yourself is accessible to your present consciousness.
In your mind’s eye, see this future self as it comes into the knowing that your earthly life is nearly complete. Imagine the thoughts and emotions you experience inside the knowledge that there is nothing more to be done. In this future time, most of what you consider to be the great moments of your life have come and gone. That is, except for this last, glorious transition into the light.

The Last Moments of Your Present Lifetime

If you have lived your life in alignment with your spiritual purpose, you will most likely choose to spend these last moments in a joyful communion with those you love, celebrating the completion of your earthly mission and anticipating the next step in your spiritual evolution. Rebirth is the certain outcome of death just as death is the certain outcome of rebirth. There are many in your world that do not pass over in a state of celebration and joy. This is often the case where the life was not lived in alignment with spirit. Sadly, we must describe for you what takes place in this circumstance in the hope you will understand the likely outcome of a life lived with a primary focus in physical reality.

The Last Moments of a Purely Physical Existence

At the end of a purely physical life, the conscious mind begins to generate messages of fear around the idea of passing over into a state of pure consciousness. This fear of the unknown causes the mind to grasp backward to what has been. There is a state of confusion as the mind, unable to embrace the approaching adventure into the vast expanse of spirit, reaches back into the safe refuge of the past. This is where an even greater confusion arises, for as the vast expanse of your spirit approaches, the entire mind is filled with a great light that illuminates all the days of the life. Suddenly, the conscious mind perceives what has been the earthly life in the light of the higher self. If the life has not been lived in alignment with spiritual purpose, all the areas of misalignment become obvious.

These last moments may only represent a second on the earth plane, but they are agonizing years to the being that abruptly awakens to missed synchronicities and missed opportunities for love, healing and joy. Also obvious are the many dead-end pursuits undertaken in avoidance and denial of one’s spiritual purpose. It becomes easy to see the ways one has not believed in one's self. The attention will be drawn to those moments when there were opportunities to proceed along the spiritual path, but the ego refused to invest time and resources in the "unseen" possibilities of spiritual evolution.

Stepping Outside a Physical-Based Consciousness

It is in this way that many earthly lives are ended inside a space of loss and regret. It does not have to be this way. You can choose to step outside the confines of a physical-based consciousness and visit your last day on earth to learn the ending you are now creating. This is similar to the novelist who completes a first draft, then looks back with great insight and vision into the mind space that has been traversed. With this insight, the final installment informs the story’s beginning. The writer then revises the story and makes changes aligned with a more wholistic vision for the work. This is how most great works of art are created: they are collaborations of many different aspects of one’s self at different levels on many different days. It is in this way that you can travel through time to view the life story you are currently creating. With the ending firmly in mind, you can look back over your life with eyes that have witnessed the thoughts and feelings of your last day on earth and see all those areas you would "revise." When you return to the present moment, you can move forward, planting seeds in your garden of now that reflect the revised ending for your story of this earthly life.

Visiting Your Last Day on Earth

To visit your last day on earth, set the intention to travel in consciousness. Enter a meditative space through breathing and relaxation. Once inside this space, allow yourself to connect with the mind of this future self in the seconds before you pass over. It is inside this moment that the light of spirit floods in. You may have heard it said that just before you leave your earthly life, your entire life passes before your eyes. This is describing the moment that your earthly and higher consciousnesses unite and you are able to see your life from this all-knowing perspective. In a single flash, all that has been appears before you. You are able to see your life through the eyes of spirit. In this moment, you are able to see all those areas you would like to transform while there is still time to make changes and “revisions.” Uniting with your higher self now will help ensure your last day on earth is a joyful one spent in celebration and anticipation.

Seeing through the Eyes of Your Future Self

Allow your present self to see your life through the eyes of this future self about to pass over as it merges with the great illuminating light of spirit. Let yourself see all the places where you are in avoidance and denial, as well as the places where you lack compassion, empathy and loving kindness. Allow yourself to see the ways your life could be more aligned with spirit. Allow yourself to see the moments where you could be more courageous, more willing to step into the unknown and fulfill your spiritual purpose.
As you return to your present-moment consciousness, you will begin to put this knowledge to use, making changes in your life to create the revised ending.

Over time, you can choose to visit your last day on earth many times to view the ending you are currently creating. In this way, you learn to live your life backwards, allowing the ending of your story to inform the present moment. It is always your present moment that holds the power to transform your life in the shape of your highest vision - past, present and future.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Flash Forward

The harder you try to alter the future, the more inevitable it becomes. The future is the most delicate item we have in our grasps. It changes so readily. Any changes we have made this future changes.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Past Destroys the Future

The past destroys the future! ‘Hope’ for fixing the past for the future is akin to believing in the ‘tooth fairy’. The past behavior and personal experiences in matters of relationships is best regarded as an indicator of future experiences and behavior. The past is like an ‘aroma shadow’ of the future. At this point in time, there are rare few exceptions for those looking for the breezes of a love life that reverses past difficulties.Going to ‘mental workers’ to correct the problem is like hiring an expert painter to paint a fire damaged house.
Bad habits are usually denied and projected on to others for escaping responsibility. Humans cling to habits that annoy others without examining them for correction. Refusal to look at and change those behaviors is followed by many excuses to rationalize behavior that a loved one is suppose to accept ‘out of love’!

 Love can become a means to control the others life to better satisfy the ‘controller of love’s own life’. Love is about saying, ‘how am I doing so far’? Real love just adjusts naturally to common sense. Make it a quest to find a couple in deep love, verify that and, try to spend time observing them. Couples in serious love may be like trying to find a needle in a haystack but, it’s more than worth the benefits if activated in ones own life.
Reaccuring mood swings are usually symptomatic of unresolved issues from childhood that rarely find themselves over the years more than ‘painted over’. Jennifer Jones, a beautiful actress who was mentioned at this years Oscar Academy Awards as having ‘passed’ recently, was married several times, once to the ‘movie mogul’ and Producer of “Gone with the Wind”, David O. Selznick. Jennifer Jones led an outward life that would be the envy of most women in the world but inwardly, a disaster. My friend, Jess Stern, author of the best NY Times selling book, ‘Soulmates’, said once that she use to call him over the years with her emotional mood swings, once after stabbing herself in the abdomen. The ‘swing’ never stops, rich or poor and, changing relationships is futile.

Inner life determines all outcomes in matters involving love. Moving from one to another in hopes of finding love that endures is like looking for enduring ‘mediterranean’ weather in Alaska or Siberia. Life gives back how you feel about yourself. It’s that simple! A total revolution of the heart and an examination with correction of the ‘roots of the issues’ is a beginning of being on track for love and a life everyone deserves. ‘Chemistry’ in the beginning usually loses the ‘bang’ as ‘elements’ change character. Love is the ‘key to life’ - that key opens the doors to all life’s riches!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Right Now..."

Somebody is thinking of you.

Somebody is caring about you.

Somebody misses you.

Somebody wants to talk to you.

Somebody wants to be with you.

Somebody hopes you aren't in trouble.

Somebody is thankful for your support.

Somebody is very proud of you.

Somebody wants to hold your hand.

Somebody hopes everything is all right.

Somebody wants you to be happy.

Somebody wants you to find them.

Somebody is celebrating your successes.

Somebody wants to give you a gift.

Somebody thinks that you ARE a gift.

Somebody hopes you're not to cold, or too hot.

Somebody wants to hug you.

Somebody admires your strength.

Somebody is thinking of you and smiling.

Somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on.

Somebody thinks the world of you.

Somebody wants to protect you.

Somebody would do anything for you.

Somebody is grateful for forgiveness.

Somebody wants to laugh with you.

Somebody wishes that you were there.

Somebody wants to share their dreams with you.

Somebody can't wait to see you.

Somebody wants to tell you how much they care.

Somebody wants you to know, their love is unconditional.

Somebody values your advice.

Somebody treasures your spirt.

Somebody is praising GOD for you.

Somebody loves you for who you are.

Somebody love's the way you make them feel.

Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.

Somebody glad that you're their friend.

Somebody wants to get to know you better.

Somebody has faith in you.

Somebody trust you.

Somebody needs your support.

Somebody wants you to be blessed.

Somebody wants to be a blessng.

Somebody needs you to have faith in them.

Somebody is praying for you.

Somebody loves you.

somebody will cry when they read this...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Uniqueness of Time

The phenomenon of time is wondrous and extremely incredible. It has lasted throughout history. It lasted if we understood it or not. It is one of the only things that can change in a blink of an eye. Drastically it changes if one aspect of its history changes the slightest. However it is also extremely mysterious as well.

Each point in time is different from all other points. Outcomes can always change in a blink of an eye. You always realize other attributes as you go through the state of time. Time touches all living beings in some way or another. It is natural. Man only made a way of tracking time. However it does exist throughout the cosmos and beyond.