Time Chronicles

Time’s existence always is and always will be. There is nothing that is not affected by time. Things grow as well as die throughout the whole plethora of time.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Temporal Mechanics

Temporal Mechanics is working with time and its effects on the space time Continuum.  It is very important when dealing with time travel.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time Folding

Time is like paper. You can fold it up in any which way. Faster time allows space to open up in space like doorways, while slower time opens up doorways as well, but fewer.

The doorways that open equal the opportunities that spring up, which are available to flower into existence. When these opportunities flower, the obstacles make us stronger then we were before.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Time Travel Possibility

If time-travel was possible; do we have the right to intervene in other times? The people within these other dimensions are ethical and wholesome for the very fact of their unknowing that they are simulations. They are innocent until they figure out who and what they are.

It is as if they are young, because they have no worldly intentions to pollute their innocence.

Is it possible that there is free will? Or is what we think of free will just a fake.

As technology advances the complexities of life increase.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

River of Time

Time is a river and we are the fishes within the river. We can swim forward as  well as back. However confusing it may be, it is a gift that should be cherished.

Puzzle of Time

Time is like a puzzle. Every piece needs to be in exactly the right place for a certain reality to exist. If something minutely adjusts the whole future can transform.

This is why there should not be an ability to go back or forward in time. If you travel forward in time you can very possibly modify the future. The future hasn’t been written, though, you can still change the possibilities of the prospect of what is to become naturally.

Let time exist by itself. Do not even go to just observe, for you can inadvertantly cause tragic events unbeknownst.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time Travel

First, we are always traveling through time, every day we travel a day in time. However can we travel faster through time? Einstein developed “The Theory of Spatial Relativity,” which states space and time are really aspect of the same thing, space time. If you travel faster than time goes slower for you than the people not traveling with you, time also travels faster where there is an immense gravitational pull, such as a black hole.

“Wormhole” may be shortcuts though time and space. However, we don’t know if they are plausible and they are not discovered as of yet. However these ideas are based on good information, so they will be discovered in a short time.