Time Chronicles

Time’s existence always is and always will be. There is nothing that is not affected by time. Things grow as well as die throughout the whole plethora of time.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Day Never seems that Bad

We know have people who predict the weather and the like, and their say is usually right, or is it? You can always produce your own internal and external weather pattern, just by the mood that you are in.

This may be difficult to understand however, it is always accomplished. Every interaction, every day can change the way you think, the same way every gust of wind changes the weather pattern.

Your mood can also change by the colors you where, as well as where you are located. Not to mention the words that you use are powerful reciprocation of your moods as well as other reciprocations of your day.

Should we take prediction of outcomes as seriously as we do? At least stay open to new opportunities as they as always will be presented. Existence has no deadlines. We make them all up ourselves. The funny thing is that we are not even aware of the fact. So just have fun with it and live in the moment. It will last as long as interest in it.

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